a bug in registration, no type box available after inputting your phone number, how can I use the app if I cant even register?
Keep loading everytime when you are buying ticket at the cinema. Wonder what tricks they've set at the app. Bad experience.
Cannot redeem tickets after update.
cannot use at all
難用!!// 次次隔耐咗都要重新登入+重新輸入密碼 // 每次入去都首先有個告示畫面阻住哂 // 㩒走咗告示 入邊版面設計又亂 仲成日彈廣告:Panasonic太陽能板 又一城購物宣傳...// 用積分換飛既話又要轉去奬賞嗰頁 但個app又load得慢 ... 即係 - 係櫃台用呢個app買飛 萬一有需要轉頁面 隨時會好尷尬同埋阻住地球轉 // 除了mcl 我仲有第二間戲院的app 比起來 呢個app的設計真係好差
The membership is not recognized by the self service boots. There's no use for this app if I can't buy my own tickets
Can't purchase tickets online
Can't load any info after update. Lame.